
How You Vote

Election Day is November 7th, early voting begins September 22nd

This fall you will vote for City Council using Ranked Choice Voting. When you vote in Minneapolis, you are able to rank up to three candidates for each position. Minneapolis voters can cast their ballots on Election Day, by mail, or early in-person at Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services (980 E Hennepin Ave). At Elections and Voter Services, you can both cast a new ballot and drop off a ballot you received in the mail.

For more information, see the City of Minneapolis Voter Services site.

All About RCV Flyers:

List of candidates

Ward 1

Elliot Payne

Edwin Fruit

Ward 2

Robin Wonsley

Ward 3

Michael Rainville

Marcus Mills

Ward 4

LaTrisha Vetaw

Angela Williams

Marvina Haynes

Leslie Davis

Ward 5

Jeremiah Ellison

Victor Martinez

Philip Peterson

Ward 6

Jamal Osman

Kayseh Magan

Tiger Worku

Guy Gaskin

Ward 7

Katie Cashman

Scott Graham

Kenneth Foxworth

Ward 8

Andrea Jenkins

Soren Stevenson

Bob Sullentrop

Terry White

Ward 9

Jason Chavez

Danial Orban

Ward 10

Aisha Chughtai

Nasri Warsame

Bruce Dachis

Greg Kline

Ward 11

Emily Koski

Gabrielle Prosser

Ward 12

Aurin Chowdry

Luther Ranheim

Nancy Ford

Ward 13

Linea Palmisano

Kate Mortenson

Bob Carney

Zach Metzger